Grades Seven & Eight


Our Grade 7 and Grade 8 programs represent an exciting time of transition and development. Students gain independence and see their responsibilities increase in preparation for high school. Our program is consolidated to reinforce skills introduced in previous grades.

  • In Language Arts, the focus is on oral communication skills, vocabulary development, reading comprehension, written language, and grammar. A variety of fiction and nonfiction materials are studied in small groups and students develop an appreciation of literature and the ability to understand, dissect, and respond to various comprehension and analytical questions. Emphasis is also placed on explaining the interpretation of written work and supporting it with evidence. Literary concepts such as character, plot, setting, theme, symbolism, and imagery are explored. Students generate, gather, and organize their ideas to communicate effectively in written and oral forms. A wide variety of writing experiences include opinion pieces, short stories, essays, and expository writing.

  • The Mathematics program is organized into specific topics to ensure the incremental development of each skill. The program emphasizes the importance of process, proper format, analytical thinking, and sequencing in daily work. Along with fractions, decimals, ratios, percent, integers, geometry, and measurement, students study probability and statistics. Algebra is introduced. Students are challenged to participate at an advanced level, but additional help including remedial classes is available to those who need it.

  • In Science, students acquire a broad scientific literacy and technological capacity which they apply to a wide range of situations. They learn to identify and analyze problems and explore and test solutions in a variety of contexts. In Grade 7, topics include ecosystems; mixtures; heat; structural strength and stability; and the earth’s crust. In Grade 8, topics include fluids; mechanical efficiency; optics; water systems; cell, tissue, and organ systems; and chemistry. By participating in various classroom investigations, completing research projects, and competing in a science fair, students develop the skills and strategies required for scientific inquiry and technological design.

  • In Social Studies, formal studies in History and Geography begin: The History program focuses on a comprehensive view of the development of Canada and its role in the world. Lessons from the past and their usefulness to make decisions for the future are explored. A balanced perspective is developed by exploring various viewpoints and looking at historical evidence. Previous skills, attitudes, and knowledge are built upon to prepare our students to become responsible, contributing Canadian citizens. Our Canadian identity and democratic values are examined critically in order to solve problems and make decisions on relevant issues. A study of the Roman Empire, Ancient Greece, and the development of the United States from a historical perspective round out the program over the two years.

  • The Geography curriculum allows students to develop a solid foundation of the knowledge and skills that are required for the subject. Students in Grade 7 are introduced to the concepts and methods of geographic inquiry, physical patterns, and how they affect human activity. The use of our natural resources and the environmental implications are studied. In Grade 8, the study of geography focuses on patterns in human geography, economic systems, and migration. Students explain population distribution and characteristics and investigate how human activities are affected by these patterns. They examine economic systems and the economic relationships between Canada and the global community, as well as the major types of migration and factors affecting human mobility. Students are tested after each unit to ensure their understanding of each topic. There are also various presentations and individual and group projects.

  • MGA students become h3 French communicators. Parisian French is used throughout the school and a high level of oral communication, reading, grammar, and writing is developed. Students are encouraged to read short stories and novels in French.

  • Education in the Arts is essential to a student’s intellectual, social, physical, and emotional growth. The visual arts program includes the traditional fine art of drawing, painting, and sculpting. Students learn to analyze and appreciate art work from various historical periods and styles. They are afforded the opportunity to display their own art work at the ACSI Art Competition.

  • Music provides the students with an opportunity to express themselves in another medium while aspiring to become part of the Meadow Green Academy Jazz Ensemble. Students progress from strumming and chording on the guitar to the individual finger movements of the classical guitar. Musical theory and the appreciation of many musical styles are augmented with historical knowledge. The enjoyment of performing is a major part of the program.

  • In Computer Technology a variety of programs are used to combine education and technology that assist students in becoming better prepared for a technologically advanced society. The students utilize several Techno programs including Techno Web, Internet Explorer, Techno Investor, and Techno CEO, as well as Microsoft Office. Continued emphasis is placed on typing speed using All the Right Type. Students are encouraged to use lap tops at school as the South Campus is fully wireless.

  • Involvement in sports and MGA’s Physical Education programs provide the students with an outlet for their energy and physical capabilities. Team sports such as soccer, basketball, volleyball, floor hockey, badminton, and baseball are developed. Individual activities such as track and field, dance, and exercise fitness are also encouraged. Participation in intramural and extra-curricular sporting events provides the students with a lot of fun and broadens their school experiences.

  • Drama skills are encouraged as each class prepares presentations for school assemblies. Two high-level drama productions are performed each year, one at Christmas and one in the Spring. Highly qualified professionals work with the students to help them understand staging, production, and set design and to develop their acting, singing, and dancing skills. These skills provide the students with the ability to go on to the performing arts.

  • Guidance is a prominent feature of the Intermediate Program because formal examinations occur and students need to be prepared for high school. A considerable degree of emphasis on study skill techniques is provided to assist students. A layered and cyclical curriculum allows opportunities for students to seek one-on-one help when they need it.


Grades Four to Six


Special Education