Our Curriculum

CAT Testing

Canadian Achievement Tests at MGA

Each year, all students in grade 1 and above write the Canadian Achievement Tests, a set of national standardized tests that assess reading, writing, spelling and mathematics. Meadow Green has students perform both the basic and supplemental tests offered under the program, taking two morning sessions / two half days to complete. Our student body typically undertake the testing after March Break.

The Canadian Achievement Test results provide our teachers with external scores to be compared against their own assessments for each student. Results are shared with parents upon request.

Drama & Music Education

Meadow Green has a comprehensive fine arts program for all students, encompassing drama and music education which commences in Pre-School and expands in complexity as the student progresses in grade level. We stage two major school productions per year and produce smaller productions for our annual Thanksgiving Feast and Christmas Concert. Meadow Green has 2 school bands, offers after-school third-party piano lessons on campus, and has introduced after-school dance classes by U Got Dance Productions.

Meadow Green Academy believes that Fine Arts programs are an important tool in the healthy development of communication and social skills for students. They build confidence, assist in interpersonal development, and allow students to become comfortable in front of a public audience. Learning music and music theory assists in brain development. As we are an academic-oriented institution, we take advantage of all means and tools available to foster growth in our students, and we have found that a comprehensive and varied arts program is a worthy contributor to this goal.

Commencing in Pre-School the children engage in dramatic play as a teaching tool. The pre-schoolers also start to learn to sing as a group, in both English and French and perform songs in both languages in our annual school productions.

Trips & Clubs

To round off the educational experience for our students, Meadow Green provides programs that enhance their learning outside of the classroom. These include:

  • an athletics program,

  • after-school clubs,

  • curriculum-based field trips,

  • overnight excursions to Camp Mini-Yo-We

All these components enrich the learning of our students and create lasting memories.